Ideas Made to Matter Health Care

How an analytics-based predictive model can improve kidney transplant survival rates


Doctors need to trust their intuition, but a decision support tool can help them make hard choices.

Sep 22, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Analytics

Creating better bus routes with algorithms


The new routes will save the Boston Public School district millions.

Jul 31, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Analytics

How to use algorithms to solve everyday problems


Faster grocery trips. Better Facebook posts. Ali Almossawi on algorithmic thinking for daily life.

May 8, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Data

Talking to your boss about data


Here’s what two MIT business analytics students learned in the new From Analytics to Action class.

Mar 23, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Data

The simple lessons you can still learn from sports analytics


MIT Sloan’s Ben Shields explains how franchises use data to make personnel, business decisions.

Feb 9, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Health Care

Combining data with a personal touch, Fitnescity Lifestyle Management targets crowded wellness market


An MIT Sloan alumna’s startup brings analytics and 3-D body scanning to personalized wellness

Dec 22, 2016
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Ideas Made to Matter Hiring

Facing down employment discrimination with an algorithm


Vivienne Ming on where meritocracy fails, and how big data might help.

Oct 13, 2016
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Ideas Made to Matter

How will an on-demand economy work?


As Uber, Airbnb, and others grow, answering questions about employment and benefits becomes urgent

Mar 17, 2016
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Ideas Made to Matter

Four business lessons from the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference 


Takeaways from the Oakland A’s, Boston Red Sox, and, of course, Nate Silver

Mar 15, 2016
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Ideas Made to Matter Venture Capital

Domeyard: Inside a high-speed trading firm

MIT ethos penetrates culture at new firm in Boston

Mar 10, 2016
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