Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

How unemployment benefits spur new business creation


Data from France shows that unemployment benefits can encourage entrepreneurs to open up new businesses and boost the economy.

Aug 27, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Education

Meet MIT Sloan’s 4 new faculty members


These faculty members are experts in decision-making, behavioral economics, and more.

Jul 8, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

How an age-based reopening could save lives


MIT economists recommend older Americans stay home during COVID-19 pandemic while younger adults return to work sooner.

Jun 9, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

Analysts expect COVID-19 will affect top companies until 2022


A new study shows analysts are expecting negative earnings growth this year. After 2022, they expect the situation to stabilize.

May 21, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Economics

Tallying the full cost of air pollution

A new, large-scale research review catalogs the enormity of the threat.

Feb 3, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

Crowdsourced ratings of online news quality may actually work


People are nearly as good as fact-checkers at sussing out unreliable news sources, a new study finds.

Jan 28, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

3 ways to nudge people toward better behavior


Donating to charity. Voting. Turning lights off when you leave a room. The research behind getting people to actually adopt altruistic behaviors.

Jan 17, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Data

What will the future workforce look like?


How data can help build an inclusive workplace culture.

Aug 15, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Diversity

What Starbucks got wrong — and right — after Philadelphia arrests


The company’s initial response was swift, but lacked specifics and sincerity.

May 18, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

Study: False news spreads faster than the truth

About 6 times as fast.

Mar 8, 2018
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