Ideas Made to Matter Innovation

Setting aside downtime for innovation


Being free of (some) responsibility means more time to develop new ideas.

Feb 7, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

Crowdsourced ratings of online news quality may actually work


People are nearly as good as fact-checkers at sussing out unreliable news sources, a new study finds.

Jan 28, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

Is your firm supporting bystanders?


For a company's conflict management system to be successful, it needs to support the people who report those conflicts.

Jan 18, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Hiring

You may already have the talent you’re looking for


In a war to attract the best and brightest, effective retention could be your company's secret.

Jan 16, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

3 ways to win the online ratings battle


Don't be afraid of a bad review. Instead, distinguish your product, find your niche, and build goodwill.

Jan 14, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Productivity

A calm before the AI productivity storm


The productivity benefits of artificial intelligence are being masked by a ramp-up period.

Jan 2, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

How social influence drives online gift giving


Receiving a gift makes you 56 percent more likely to do some giving of your own.

Dec 12, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

How ‘credibility-enhancing displays’ drive people to action


In a new study, residents were far more likely to purchase solar panels if the person pitching them was a convert themselves.

Nov 26, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Sustainability

'This Old House' goes modern with MIT energy pioneer


The show's season premiere features David Miller's net-zero home.

Nov 5, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

Using data to triage health care waste


An economic analytics of health care experiments could save money.

Oct 31, 2018
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