Ideas Made to Matter Hiring

A new barrier to diverse hiring in tech


How “repugnant market” concerns can cause even well-intentioned firms to fail in workforce diversification efforts.

Mar 31, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

Study: Emphasizing vaccine acceptance could boost immunization rates


Public messaging emphasizing that others are getting a COVID-19 vaccine is one effective way to overcome vaccine hesitancy, according to a new study.

Mar 8, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Labor

Cash-on-hand can raise worker productivity


A new working paper details an average 6.2% boost in productivity when workers were paid earlier in a project.

Mar 2, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Innovation

To woo more customers, try a ‘domain mindset’


Firms that shift to a “domain mindset” can help fill customers’ needs while expanding their own business opportunities.

Mar 1, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

2 from MIT Sloan make Thinkers50 Radar list


Researchers explore working with intelligent machines and what happens when culture meets globalization.

Feb 3, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Economics

Car access tripled in value during early COVID-19


Car owners, on average, would want $3,300 to give up ownership and use of their vehicle for a month during the pandemic.

Dec 1, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

Ideas Made to Matter 2020 in review


The sudden shift to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic dominated management discussion in 2020.

Nov 30, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

MIT Sloan expert insights: 4 books from 2020


From how recommendation engines work to how misinformation spreads on social media, here are four books from MIT Sloan that made some sense of 2020.

Nov 25, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

MIT Sloan research about social media and misinformation


“Fake news” and misinformation peak online during presidential election years. Experts look at how they spread and what can be done to stop them.

Oct 5, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Hiring

Exploration-based algorithms boost hiring diversity


A new approach analyzed resumes for a Fortune 500 firm — and bested traditional screening practices.

Sep 30, 2020
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