Ideas Made to Matter Startups

Crowdsourcing crop prices


This startup relies on the distributed intelligence of East African farmers for its data.

Aug 27, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Startups

Aavia offers a smart pill solution


The hardware and app pairing are designed to take accountability off women, and instead be accountable for women.

Aug 27, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Startups

12 named as MIT IIC North America finalists


Companies will compete Sept. 27 in Detroit, Michigan, for a shot at the MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge finals.

Aug 21, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Technology

5 reasons companies struggle with digital transformation


Embracing technology? That’s just the start.

Aug 16, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Startups

Levio offers home swap for LGBTQ travelers


The MIT Sloan startup promises an inclusive experience beyond room and board.

Aug 13, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Startups

9 named as MIT IIC Africa finalists


Companies will compete Aug. 29 in Nairobi, Kenya, for a shot at the MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge finals.

Aug 13, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Startups

Acciyo summons news


The browser plug-in organizes and contextualizes big news stories for readers.

Aug 8, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

How do online bots shift opinions?


Work underway by an MIT professor puzzles how bots change minds — or swing an election.

Aug 1, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Innovation

New ideas are getting harder to find — and more expensive


More effort is yielding fewer new ideas.

Jul 31, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Startups

This pad-free wireless charger can power multiple devices at once


It senses devices with low battery and powers them. No cords necessary.

Jul 30, 2018
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