Ideas Made to Matter Finance

How financial data affects stock market efficiency


Big financial data represents a big opportunity for Wall Street. But is statistical trading making the markets more or less efficient?

Apr 7, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

Target date funds affect stock prices, a new study shows


If TDFs continue to grow in popularity, they could further decrease volatility in the stock market and increase the correlation between stocks and bonds.

Mar 16, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Fintech

Fintech, explained


Fintech — technology for financial services — encompasses lending, payments, investing, insurance, property management, risk assessment, and more.

Feb 4, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Economy

New data on small business spending during COVID-19


Small business owners voluntarily cut personal consumption by 40% early in the pandemic. A coordinated national response could have helped.

Jan 25, 2021
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