Ideas Made to Matter Economy

Softening the blow of COVID-19 bankruptcies


New research suggests accommodations by banks and the courts can help at least some small businesses survive bankruptcy.

Dec 15, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Economics

How 75 cents a day helped Kenyans weather bad times


A new study suggests that a universal basic income provided stability to impoverished Kenyans in bad times. Could UBI work elsewhere?

Oct 1, 2020
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Press Economics

A Universal Basic Income could help the world’s poorest weather crises


A new study examining the effect of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in Kenya shows that cash transfers improved recipients’ food security and health and these gains sustained through the policy responses

Sep 30, 2020
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Press Finance

Golub Center names Stanley Fischer winner of first Miriam Pozen Prize


$200,000 prize will be awarded to Dr. Fischer and a fellowship named in his honor will be awarded to an MIT Sloan MBA student; Dr. Fischer will deliver the inaugural Miriam Pozen Address at MIT.

Sep 10, 2020
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