Alumni Career

Highlights from MIT Sloan Reunion 2023


Over 1,300 Sloanies and their guests returned to campus in early June to attend MIT Sloan Reunion 2023.

Jun 14, 2023
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Alumni Leadership

Alumni Recognized for Service to MIT Sloan and the Institute


In April, the MIT Alumni Association announced the winners of the volunteer leadership awards, which honor outstanding accomplishments and service to the MITAA and the Institute. Among the 2023 award recipients were five MIT Sloan alumni.

May 30, 2023
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Alumni Leadership

Happiness and Other Keys to Successful Leadership


According to Grace Ueng, SB ’87, founder and CEO of Savvy Growth, the conventional wisdom on happiness and success is all wrong.

Apr 18, 2023
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Alumni Gender

Celebrate Women’s History Month with 12 Quotes by MIT Sloan Alumnae


To celebrate Women's History Month (March) and International Women's Day (March 8), here are 12 notable quotes from the MIT Sloan alumnae community.

Mar 1, 2023
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