Executive Education Course

Leading the AI-Driven Organization

Learn how to lead AI initiatives strategically and effectively with MIT Sloan Executive Education's 5-day in-person course. Gain a comprehensive understanding of AI technologies and their impact on the future of work.

  • Sep 9-13, 2024
  • Nov 11-15, 2024
  • Apr 22-26, 2024
  • Mar 24-28, 2025
  • Jul 21-25, 2025
  • Nov 3-7, 2025
  • Feb 10-14, 2025
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Executive Education Course

Innovating in Existing Markets

There is considerable buzz around disruptive, revolutionary innovation—we’re constantly told we need to do more of it, in every part of our business. But what do you do when you have an existing product in an existing market that is being challenged? How do you revive those products and restart growth? This program is designed to help you innovate around your existing products to make them more compelling, useful, and valuable.

  • May 20-21, 2024
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