"Two Roads to Green: A Tale of Bureaucratic Versus Distributed Leadership Models of Change."

Ancona, Deborah L., Elaine Backman and Kate Isaacs. In Leading Sustainable Change, 225-249. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2015.

"Teamwork from the Inside Out."

Ancona, Deborah L., David F. Caldwell and Henrik Bresman. In Contemporary Organizational Behavior in Action, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2015.

"Sensemaking: Framing and Acting in the Unknown."

Ancona, Deborah L. In Handbook of Teaching Leadership, 3-20. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 2011.

"Building an External Focus: Avoiding the Difficulties of an In-Grown Team."

Ancona, Deborah L. and David F. Caldwell. In Handbook For Working With Difficult Groups, edited by Sandy Schuman , 17-32. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2010.

"Leadership Capabilities: Exercise Them to Develop a Signature Style."

Ancona, Deborah L., Thomas W. Malone, Wanda J. Orlikowski and Peter M. Senge. Leadership Excellence, February 2010.

"Distributed Leadership: Going from Pyramids to Networks."

Ancona, Deborah L. and Elaine Backman. Leadership Excellence, January 2010.

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