"On the inside looking out: Why teams need to complement their internal focus with external networking."

Ancona, Deborah L. and Henrik Bresman. The FOCUS online, Egon Zehner International, January 2010.

"The X-Factor: Six Steps to Leading High-Performing Teams."

Ancona, Deborah L., Henrik Bresman and David F. Caldwell. Organizational Dynamics Vol. 38, No. 3 (2009): 217-224.


Ancona, Deborah L. and Henrik Bresman. PKU Magazine, July 2009.

"X-Teams: New Ways of Leading in a New World."

Ancona, Deborah L., Elaine Backman and Henrik Bresman. Ivey Business Journal, September 2008.

"X-Teams for Innovation."

Ancona, Deborah L. and Henrik Bresman. ASK Magazine: The NASA Source for Project Management and Engineering Excellence/APPEL, April 2008.


Ancona, Deborah L. and Henrik Bresman. Business Digest: Theories et Pratiques Innovantes en Management et Strategie, October 2007.

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