"Glass Ceilings and Glass Doors? Internal and External Hiring in an Organizational Hierarchy."

Fernandez, ​Roberto M., and Mabel Botehlo Abraham, Working Paper. January 2011.

"From Metaphors to Mechanisms: Gender Sorting In(to) an Organizational Hierarchy."

Fernandez, ​Roberto M., and Mabel Botelho Abraham, Working Paper. April 2010.

"Competing for Jobs: Labor Queues and Gender Sorting in the Hiring Process."

Fernandez, Roberto M. and M. Louise Mors. Social Science Research Vol. 37, (2008): 1061-1080.

"Race, Spatial Mismatch, and Job Accessibility: Evidence From a Plant Relocation."

Fernandez, Roberto M. Social Science Research Vol. 37, No. 3 (2008): 953-975.

"Networks, Race and Hiring."

Fernandez, Roberto M., and Isabel Fernandez-Mateo. American Sociological Review Vol. 71, (2006): 42-71.

"Gendering the Job: Networks and Recruitment at a Call Center."

Fernandez, Roberto M. and M. Lourdes Sosa. American Journal of Sociology Vol. 111, No. 3 (2005): 859-904.

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