"Structures of Mediation: A Formal Approach to Brokerage in Transaction Networks."

Gould, Roger V. and Roberto M. Fernandez. Sociological Methodology Vol. 19, (1989): 89-126.

"Dropping Out Among Hispanic Youth."

Fernandez, Roberto M., Ronnelle Paulsen and Marsha Hirano-Nakanishi. Social Science Research Vol. 18, No. 1 (1989): 21-52.

"Social Networks and Social Movements: Multiorganizational Fields and Recruitment to Mississippi Freedom Summer."

Fernandez, Roberto M. and Doug McAdam. Sociological Forum Vol. 3, No. 3 (1988): 357-382.

"Worker Power, Firm Power and the Structure of Labor Markets."

Fligstein, Neil and Roberto M. Fernandez. The Sociological Quarterly Vol. 29, No. 1 (1988): 5-28.

"School-to-Work Transition Profiles of Mexican American and Non-Hispanic White High School Graduates."

Holsinger, Donald B. and Roberto M. Fernandez. Sociology and Social Research Vol. 71, No. 21 (1987): 1-220.

"America and the Changing Structure of Hegemonic Production."

Bergesen, Albert, Roberto M. Fernandez and Chintamani Sahoo. In America's Changing Role in the World System, edited by Albert Bergesen and Terry Boswell, 157-175. New York, NY: Praeger, 1987.

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