"Base-Station Assisted Device-to-Device Communications for High-Throughput Wireless Video Networks."

Golrezaei, Negin, Parisa Mansourifard, Andreas F. Molisch, and Alexandros G. Dimakis. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Vol. 13, No. 7 (2014): 3665-3676. arXiv.

"FemtoCaching: Wireless Video Content Delivery through Distributed Caching Helpers."

Shanmugam, Karthikeyan, Negin Golrezaei, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Andreas F. Molisch, and Giuseppe Caire. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Vol. 59, No. 12 (2013): 8402-8413. Download Paper.

"Femtocaching and Device-to-Device Collaboration: A New Architecture for Wireless Video Distribution."

Golrezaei, Negin, Andreas F. Molisch, Alexandros G. Dimakis, and Giuseppe Caire. IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2013. Download Paper.