"Experiential Learning of Cultural Norms: The Role of Implicit and Explicit Aptitudes."

Savani, Krishna, Michael W. Morris, Katrina Fincher, Jackson G. Lu, and Scott Barry Kaufman. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol. 123, No. 2 (2022): 272-291.

"Global Leaders for Global Teams: Leaders with Multicultural Experiences Communicate and Lead More Effectively, Especially in Multinational Teams."

Lu, Jackson G., Roderick I. Swaab, and Adam D. Galinsky. Organization Science Vol. 33, No. 4 (2022): 1554-1573.

"A Social Network Perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling: Ethnic Homophily Explains Why East Asians but not South Asians are Underrepresented in Leadership in Multiethnic Environments."

Lu, Jackson G. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol. 122, No. 6 (2022): 959-982.

"Situational Factors Shape Moral Judgments in the Trolley Dilemma in Eastern, Southern, and Western Countries in a Culturally Diverse Sample."

Bago, Bence, Marton Kovacs ... Jackson G. Lu et al. Nature Human Behaviour Vol. 6, (2022): 880-895. Download Paper.

"The Surprising Underperformance of East Asians in US Law and Business Schools: The Liability of Low Assertiveness and the Ameliorative Potential of Online Classrooms."

Lu, Jackson G., Richard E. Nisbett, and Michael W. Morris. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 119, No. 13 (2022): e211824411. Download Paper.

"A Global Experiment on Motivating Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic."

Legate, Nicole, Thuy-vy Ngyuen, ... Jackson G. Lu, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 119, No. 22 (2022): e211109111. Download Paper.

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