"Provably Near-Optimal Sampling-Based Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control Models."

Levi, Retsef, Robin Roundy, and David Shmoys. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 32, No. 4 (2007): 821-839.

"Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Inventory Control Models."

Levi, Retsef, Martin Pál, Robin Roundy, and David Shmoys. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 32, No. 2 (2007): 284-302.

"New Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control Models - Theoretical and Computational Results."

Levi, Retsef, Gavin Hurley, Peter Jackson, Robin O. Roundy, and David B. Shmoys, Working Paper. December 2006.

"Primal-Dual Algorithms for Deterministic Inventory Problems."

Levi, Retsef, Robin O. Roundy, and David Shmoys. Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 31, No. 2 (2006): 267-284.

"Computing Provably Near-Optimal Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control Models."

Levi, Retsef; under supervision of Robin Roundy and David Shmoys. PhD Thesis (2005): 1-134.