"Scheduling with Testing."

Levi, Retsef, Thomas Magnanti, and Yaron Shaposhnik. Management Science Vol. 65, No. 2 (2019): 776-793.

"The Approximability of Assortment Optimization Under Ranking Preferences."

Aouad, Ali, Vivek Farias, Retsef Levi, and Danny Segev. Operations Research Vol. 66, No. 6 (2018): 1661-1669. Download Paper.

"Greedy-Like Algorithms for Dynamic Assortment Planning Under Multinomial Logit Preferences."

Aouad, Ali, Retsef Levi, and Danny Segev. Operations Research Vol. 66, No. 5 (2018): 1321-1345. Download Paper.

"Economically Motivated Adulteration in Farming Supply Chains."

Retsef Levi, Somya Singhvi, and Y. Karen Zheng. In Proceedings of MSOM Supply Chain Management 2018 SIG Meeting, Dallas, TX: July 2018.

"Impact of Access and Value on Fresh Food Consumption: Policy Implications."

Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, and Elisabeth Paulson. In Proceedings of the 2018 MSOM Conference, Dallas, TX: July 2018.

"Speculative Shortages in Agricultural Supply Chains: The Effect of Government Interventions."

Retsef Levi, Somya Singhvi and Karen Zheng. In Proceedings of the 2018 MSOM Conference, Dallas, TX: July 2018.

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