"A Continuous Knapsack Problem with Separable Convex Utilities: Approximation Algorithms and Applications."

Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero. Operations Research Letters Vol. 42, No. 5 (2014): 367-373.

"Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Systems with Setup Costs."

Chao, Xiuli, Retsef Levi, Cong Shi and Huanan Zhang. Naval Research Logistics Vol. 61, No. 4 (2014): 304-319.

"Efficient Formulations for Pricing under Attraction Demand Models."

Keller, Philipp W., Retsef Levi, and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 145, No. 1-2 (2014): 223-261.

"Case Study: The Yedioth Group."

Retsef Levi. Cambridge, MA: 2014.

"Provably Near-Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Operations Management Models."

Levi, Retsef. INFORMS Tutorials in Operations Research (2014): 179-192.

"A Service-Based Discrete Event Simulation Model for Capacity Planning and Design of Patient Flow Policies in Intensive Care Units."

Gamarnik, David, Retsef Levi, Mike McManus, and Tom Wongsakom, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5323-13. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, December 2013.

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