"Commentaries to 'The Vital Role of Operations Analysis in Improving Healthcare Delivery'."

Levi, Retsef and Ann L. Prestipino. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Vol. 14, No. 4 (2012): 499-504. Commentary.

"Contract Designs with Incentive Alignment for Joint Ventures in the Healthcare Industry."

Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis, Cong Shi, and Wei Sun. Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference (2012): 1-10.

"Modeling the Impact of Changing Patient Transportation System on Perioperative Process Performance in a Large Hospital: Insights from a Computer Simulation Study."

Segev, Danny, Retsef Levi, Peter F. Dunn, and Warren S. Sandberg. Health Care Management Science Vol. 15, No. 2 (2012): 155-169.

"Technical Note: A Sampling-based Approach to Appointment Scheduling."

Begen, Mehmet, Retsef Levi and Maurice Queyranne. Operations Research Vol. 60, No. 3 (2012): 675-681. Appendix.

"LP-based Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location."

Levi, Retsef, David Shmoys, and Chaitanya Swamy. Mathematical Programming Vol. 131, No. 1 (2012): 365-379.

"Case Study 11-116: Massachusetts General Hospital's Pre-Admission Testing Area (PATA)."

Kelsey McCarty, Jérémie Gallien, and Retsef Levi. Cambridge, MA: January 2012.

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