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"Private Business in Eastern Europe."

Johnson, Simon H. In The Transition in Eastern Europe, Volume 2: Restructuring, 245-292. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

"Private Sector Development in Poland: Shock Therapy and Starting Over."

Johnson, Simon H. and Gary Loveman. Comparative Economic Studies Vol. 36, No. 4 (1994): 173-183.

"Poland: The Political Economy of Shock Therapy."

Johnson, Simon H. and Marzena Kowalska. In Voting for Reform, Oxford, England : Oxford University Press, 1994.

"The Macroeconomics of NEP."

Johnson, Simon H. and Peter Temin. Economic History Review Vol. 46, No. 4 (1993): 750-767.

"New Commercial Banks in the Former Soviet Union. How Do They Operate?"

Johnson, Simon H., Heidi Kroll and Mark Horton. In Changing the Economic System in Russia, London, England : Pinter Publishers, 1993.

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