13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and The Next Financial Meltdown.

Johnson, Simon H. and James Kwak. New York: Pantheon , 2010.

"Shooting Banks."

Boone, Peter and Simon H. Johnson. The New Republic, February 2010.

"Breaking Out of the Pocket: Do Health Interventions Work? Which and in What Sense?"

Boone, Peter and Simon H. Johnson. In What Works in Development? Thinking Big and Thinking Small, 55-90. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009.

"Reevaluating the Modernization Hypothesis."

Acemoglu, Daron, Simon H. Johnson, James Robinson and Pierre Yared. Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 56, No. 8 (2009): 1043-1058.

"The Next Financial Crisis – It's Coming and We Just Made It Worse."

Johnson, Simon H. The New Republic, September 2009.

"Determinants of Vertical Integration: Financial Development and Contracting Costs."

Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and Todd Mitton. Journal of Finance Vol. 64, No. 3 (2009): 1251-1290.

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