"Commentary: 401(k) nest eggs can help get the most from Social Security."

Munnell, Alicia, and Robert Pozen. Pensions & Investments, February 24, 2020.

"Opinion: 7 States Where Obamacare is Cheaper and Works Better."

Pozen, Robert C. Market Watch, January 6, 2020.

"These simple fixes could boost voter turnout in a major way."

Mele, Nicco, and Robert C. Pozen. CNN.com, September 23, 2019.

"Opinion: Tie CEO pay to increases in stakeholder and shareholder value."

Pozen, Robert C. Market Watch, September 9, 2019.

"Commentary: Board composition drives performance in public plans."

Pozen, Robert C. Pensions & Investments, August 19, 2019.

"What Canada Teaches Us About Internal Controls."

Pozen, Robert C., and Olga Usvyatsky. CFO.com, July 31, 2019.

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