F. Ivan, Roy E. Welsch, V. Chow and J. Rajapakse. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York, NY: August 2011.
Naegle, Kristen M., Roy E. Welsch, Michael B. Yaffe, Forest M. White and Douglas A. Lauffenburger. PLoS Computational Biolog Vol. 7, No. 7 (2011): 1-15.
Menjoge, Rajiv and Roy E. Welsch. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 54, No. 12 (2010): 3181-3193.
Nguyen, Tri-Dung and Roy E. Welsch. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification Vol. 4, No. 4 (2010): 301-334.
Welsch, Roy E. and Tri-Dung Nguyen. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 54, (2010): 3212-3226.
Naegle, Kristen M., Melissa Gymrek, Brian A. Joughin, Joel P. Wagner, Roy E. Welsch, Michael B. Yaffe, Douglas A. Lauffenburger and Forest M. White. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Vol. 9, No. 11 (2010): 2558-2570.