"Improving Slot Allocation at Level 3 Airports."

Ribeiro, Nuno Antunes, Alexandre Jacquillat, António Pais Antunes, and Amedeo Odoni. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Vol. 127, (2019): 32-56.

"A Roadmap toward Airport Demand and Capacity Management."

Jacquillat, Alexandre, and Amedeo R. Odoni. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Vol. 114, (2018): 168-185.

"Interairline Equity in Airport Scheduling Interventions."

Jacquillat, Alexandre, and Vikrant Vaze. Transportation Science Vol. 52, No. 4 (2018): 941-964. Online Appendix.

"An Optimization Approach for Airport Slot Allocation under IATA Guidelines."

Ribeiro, Nuno Antunes, Alexandre Jacquillat, António Pais Antunes, Amedeo R. Odoni, and João P. Pita. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Vol. 112, (2018): 132-156.

"Deployment and Utilization of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Round-trip Carsharing Systems."

Jacquillat, Alexandre, and Stephen Zoepf. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Vol. 12, No. 2 (2018): 75-91.

"A New Airport Demand Management Approach based on Targeted Scheduling Interventions."

Jacquillat, Alexandre, and Amedeo R. Odoni. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Vol. 51, No. 2 (2017): 115-138.

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