"Probability as a Reality Show."

Barnett, Arnold. ORMS Today, June 2015.

"Has Successful Terror Gone to Ground?"

Barnett, Arnold I. Risk Analysis Vol. 35, No. 4 (2015): 732-740.

"The Loss of Malaysia Flight 370: An Analytical Look at What it Means and Doesn’t Mean About Aviation Safety."

Barnett, Arnold. ORMS Today, February 2015.

"Review of Performance Measurement in the Public Sector: Principles and Practices."

Barnett, Arnold I. by Michael Pidd. Interfaces, January 2014.

"Moving Up: Five More Years of Aviation Safety."

Barnett, Arnold I. Aerosafety World, December 2013.

"Why You Won't Die in Plane Crash."

Barnett, Arnold I. CNN, July 9, 2013.

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