"Did Nate Silver Beat the Tortoise."

Barnett, Arnold I. Analytics, January 2013.

"Southwest Jet Rupture and Flight Risk."

Barnett, Arnold I. CNN, April 4, 2011.

"The North Airfield Safety Study, Los Angeles International Airport."

Arnold I. Barnett, Michael Ball, George Donohue, Mark Hansen, Amedeo Odoni, and Antonio Trani, A. Barnett, Michael Ball, George Donohue, Mark Hansen, Amedeo Odoni and Antonio Trani. Los Angeles, CA: December 2010.

"Resist the Complainers."

Barnett, Arnold I. Room for Debate Blog. The New York Times, November 2010.

"Cross-National Differences in Aviation Safety Records."

Barnett, Arnold I. Transportation Science Vol. 44, No. 3 (2010): 322-332.

"Selecting the Nation's CEO: A Risk Assessment of the Electoral College."

Barnett, Arnold I. Journal of Managerial Issue Vol. 21, No. 4 (2009): 447-460.

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