"Flash Crash Seven Years on: What is the Optimal Market Speed?"

Zhu, Haoxiang. Oxford Business Law Blog. University of Oxford, May 2017.

"Size Discovery."

Duffie, Darrell, and Haoxiang Zhu. Review of Financial Studies Vol. 30, No. 4 (2017): 1095-1150. Presentation at the 2017 Utah Winter Finance Conference.

"​Bilateral Trading in Divisible Double Auctions."

Du, Songzi, and Hoaxiang Zhu. Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 167, (2017): 285-311.

"​Commodities as Collateral*."

Ke, Tang, and Haoxiang Zhu. Review of Financial Studies Vol. 29, No. 8 (2016): 2110-2160.

"Opinion: This is your fund manager's secret weapon to fight high-frequency traders."

Zhu, Haoxiang. MarketWatch. Dow Jones & Company, February 2016.

"This is your fund manager's secret weapon to fight high frequency traders."

Zhu, Haoxiang. MarketWatch, February 24, 2016.

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