"Bundling Human Capital:  The Impact of International Assignment Experience on CEO Pay and Multinational Firm Performance."

Carpenter Mason, Gerard Sanders and Hal Gregersen. Academy of Management Journal Vol. 44, No. 3 (2001): 493-512.

"Triumphs and Tragedies: Expectations and Commitment Upon Repatriation."

Stroh, Linda K., Hal Gregersen and J. Stewart Black. International Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 11, No. 4 (2000): 681-697.

"Internationalizing Human Resources:  Strategy Differences Among European, Japanese, and U.S. Multinationals."

Oddou, Gary, Hal Gregersen, J. Stewart Black and Brooklyn Derr. In Developing Global Business Leaders: Policies, Processes, and Innovations, edited by Gunter Stahl, Mark Menderenhall, and Torsten Kuhlmann, 99-116. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2000.

"High Impact Training: Forging Leaders for the Global Frontier."

Black, J. Stewart and Hal Gregersen. Human Resource Management Journal Vol. 39, (2000): 173-184.

"International Assignment Experience at the Top Can Make a Bottom-line Difference."

Carpenter, Mason, Wm Gerard Sanders and Hal Gregersen. Human Resource Management Journal Vol. 39, No. 2-3 (2000): 277-285.

"Developing Leaders for the Global Frontier."

Gregersen, Hal, Allen Morrison and J. Stewart Black. In International Management Behavior, edited by Henry Lane, Joseph J. DiStefano, and Margaret L. Maznevski, 102-118. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.

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