Hussein Hazimeh and Rahul Mazumder. In 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2020.
Mazumder, Rahul, Diego Saldana, and Haolei Weng. Statistics and Computing Vol. 30, (2020): 1113–1138.
Hussein Hazimeh, Natalia Ponomareva, Petros Mol, Zhenyu Tan and Rahul Mazumder. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020.
Bandi, Hari, Dimitris Bertsimas, and Rahul Mazumder. INFORMS Journal on Optimization Vol. 1, No. 3 (2019): 221-240.
Mazumder, Rahul, Arkopal Choudhury, Garud Iyengar, and Bodhisattva Sen. Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 114, No. 525 (2019): 318-331.
Khamaru, Koulik and Rahul Mazumder. Mathematical Programming No. 176 (2019): 279-310. arXiv Preprint.