"Fluid Flow Pattern Analysis in a Trough Region: A Nonparametric Approach."

Mazmunder, Rahul. Journal of Applied Statistics Vol. 35, No. 6 (2008): 633-645.

"Projected Likelihood Contrasts for Testing Homogeneity in Finite Mixture Models with Nuisance Parameters."

Sengupta, Debapriya and Rahul Mazumder. Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections Vol. 1, (2008): 272-281.

"Clustering Based on Geometry and Interactions of Turbulence Bursting Rate Processes in a Trough Region."

Mazumder, Rahul. Environmetrics Vol. 18, No. 4 (2007): 445-459.

"Statistical Characterization of Circulation Patterns and Direction of Turbulent Flow Over a Waveform Structure."

Mazumder, Rahul and B.S. Mazumder. Environmetrics Vol. 17, No. 5 (2006): 417-434.