"Near-Rational Equilibria in Heterogeneous-Agent Models: A Verification Method."

Kogan, Leonid and Indrajit Mitra, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6026-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, May 2022. SSRN.

"Operating Hedge and Gross Profitability Premium."

Kogan, Leonid, Jun Li, and Harold H. Zhang, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6025-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, October 2021.

"Technological Innovation and Labor Income Risk."

Kogan, Leonid, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Lawrence D.W. Schmidt, and Jae Song, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5299-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, July 2021. NBER Working Paper. SSRN.

"Economics of Proof-of-Stake Payment Systems."

Fanti, Giulia, Leonid Kogan, and Pramod Viswanath, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5845-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, May 2021. SSRN.

"Cross-Firm Return Predictability and Accounting Quality."

Chen, Wen, Mozaffar Khan, Leonid Kogan, and George Serafeim. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting Vol. 48, No. 1-2 (2021): 70-101. SSRN Preprint.

"Operating Leverage and Hedging: A Tale of Two Production Costs for Asset Pricing."

Kogan, Leonid, Jun Li, Harold H. Zhang, and Yifan Zhu, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6829-20. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2020.

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