"The Structure of Returns and Gains from International Diversification."

Lessard, Donald. In International Capital Markets, edited by E. M. Elton and J.G. Gruber, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North Holland, 1975.

"En Defensa de una Unión Latinoamericana de Inversiones."

Lessard, Donald. El Trimestre Económico Vol. 42, No. 1 (1975).

New Mortgage Designs for Stable Housing in an Inflationary Environment.

Lessard, Donald and Franco Modigliani. Boston, MA: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1975.

"Inflation and The Housing Markets: Problems and Potential Solutions."

Lessard, Donald and Franco Modigliani. MIT Sloan Management Review, September 1973.

"International Portfolio Diversification: A Multivariate Analysis for a Group of Latin American Countries."

Lessard, Donald. Journal of Finance Vol. 28, No. 3 (1973): 619-633.