"Under the Wage Floor: Exploring firms’ incentives to comply with the minimum wage."

Lindsay Judge and Anna Stansbury. Resolution Foundation, January 2020. Download Note.

"Under the Wage Floor: Exploring Firms’ Incentives to Comply With the Minimum Wage."

Judge, Lindsay, and Anna Stansbury. Resolution Foundation Briefing, January 2020.

"Moving Job Interviews Out of Bedrooms Matters."

Stansbury, Anna. Bloomberg Opinion, September 6, 2019.

"Whither Central Banking?"

Summers, Lawrence H., and Anna Stansbury. Project Syndicate, August 23, 2019.

"Want to Boost U.S. Productivity? Tackle Inequality."

Stansbury, Anna. Bloomberg Opinion, July 23, 2019.

"What Marco Rubio Gets Right – and Wrong – About the Decline in American Investment."

Summers, Lawrence H., and Anna Stansbury. The Washington Post, May 31, 2019.

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