"An MIT Approach to Innovation: Eco/systems, Capacities & Stakeholders."

Budden, Phil, and Fiona Murray, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6215-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, October 2019.

"Defense Innovation Report: Applying MIT’s Innovation Ecosystem & Stakeholder Approach to Innovation in Defense on a Country-by-Country Basis."

Budden, Phil and Fiona Murray, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5875-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, May 2019.

"MIT’s Stakeholder Framework for Building & Accelerating Innovation Ecosystems."

Budden, Phil and Fiona Murray, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5874-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2019.

"Enhancing Cybersecurity: The Role of Innovation Ecosystems."

Budden, Phil and Fiona Murray. Presentation, Cambridge, United States. February 13, 2019.

"A Systematic MIT Approach for Assessing 'Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship' in Ecosystems."

Budden, Phil, Fiona Murray, and Anna Turskaya, Working Paper. February 2019.