"A Discussion on Fairness in Machine Learning with Georgia Tech Faculty."

Hoffman, Judy, Rachel Cummings, Deven Desai, and Swati Gupta. Machine Learning Center at Georgia Tech, November 2019.

"Individual Fairness in Hindsight."

Swati Gupta and Vijay Kamble. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, June 2019.

"Research Vignette: Real-Time Decision Making in Energy (RTDM-E)."

Geng, Xinbo, Swati Gupta, Tong Huang, and Le Xie. Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, April 18, 2019.

"Robust Look-ahead Three-phase Balancing of Uncertain Distribution Loads."

Xinbo Geng, Swati Gupta, and Le Xie. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019.

"Limited Memory Kelley’s Method Converges for Composite Convex and Submodular Objectives."

Song Zhou, Swati Gupta, and Madeleine Udell. In Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Neural Information and Processing Systems, December 2018.

"A 4/3 Approximation for TSP on Cubic 3-edge Connected Graphs."

Agarwal, Nishita, Naveen Garg, and Swati Gupta. Operations Research Letters Vol. 46, No. 4 (2018): 393-396.

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