"Solving Combinatorial Games using Products, Projections and Lexicographically Optimal Bases."

Gupta,Swati, Michel Goemans, and Patrick Jaillet, Working Paper. 2016.

"The Two-Colour Rado Number for the Equation ax + by = (a + b)z."

Gupta, Swati, J. Thulasi Rangan, and Amitabha Tripathi. Annals of Combinatorics No. 19 (2015): 269-291.

"SPAN: A Unified Framework and Toolkit for Querying Heterogenous Access Policies."

Gupta, Swati, Kristin LeFevre, and Atul Prakash. Presentation, Proceedings of 4th Usenix Conference on Hot Topics in Security, Montreal, Canada. August 2009.