"Supply Constraints and Waitlists in New Production Diffusion."

Keith, David R., John D. Sterman, and Jeroen Struben. System Dynamics Review Vol. 33, No. 3-4 (2017): 254-279.

"User Decision-making and Technology Choices in the U.S. Carsharing Market."

Zoepf, Stephen M., and David R. Keith. Transport Policy Vol. 51, (2016): 150-157.

"Modeling the Charging Choices of Battery Electric Vehicle Drivers by Using Stated Preference Data."

Wen, Yuan, Don MacKenzie, and David R. Keith. Transportation Research Record Vol. 2572, (2016): 1-2.

"System Dynamics of Supply Push Strategies Governing the Transition to Biofuel Vehicles in a Market-oriented Renewable Energy System."

Shafiei, Ehsan, Brynhildur Davidsdottir, Jonathan Leaver, Hlynur Stefansson, Eyjolfur Ingi Asgeirsson, and David R. Keith. Energy Vol. 94, (2016): 409-421.

"Parameter and Confidence Interval Estimation in Dynamic Models: Maximum Likelihood and Bootstrapping Methods."

Struben, Jeroen, John D. Sterman, and David Keith. In Analytical Methods for Dynamic Modelers, 3-38. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2015. Purchase Book Here.

"Chapter 7: The Diffusion of Advanced Vehicle Technologies."

Keith, David R., and Stephen Zoepf. In On the Road toward 2050: Potential for Substantial Reductions in Light-Duty Vehicle Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, edited by Don MacKenzie and John Heywood. Cambridge, MA: November 2015.

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