"Organizing the Tasks in Complex Design Projects."

Steven D. Eppinger, Daniel E. Whitney, Robert P. Smith and David A. Gebala. In Proceedings of 1990 ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, New York, NY: September 1990.

"Employing Computer Integrated Manufacturing Techniques in a Radically New Production Process."

Steven D. Eppinger, B.R. Harris, W.S. Firsty, J.L. Kirtley Jr., D.P. Clausing and R.A. Jenkins. In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, New York, NY: May 1990.

"Robot Force Control."

Eppinger, Steven D. In Systems and Control Encyclopedia, edited by M.G. Singh, 503-507. Oxford, England : Pergamon Press, 1989.

"Modeling Robot Dynamic Performance for Endpoint Force Control."

Eppinger, Steven D. MIT, 1988.

"Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of Asymmetric Pantograph Dynamics."

O'Connor, D.N., Steven D. Eppinger, W.P. Seering and D.N. Wormley. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Vol. 110, No. 2 (1988): 168-174.

"Modeling Robot Flexibility for Endpoint Force Control."

Steven D. Eppinger and Warren P. Seering. In Proceedings, 1988 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New York, NY: April 1988.

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