"How Sustainability Fuels Design Innovation."

Hopkins, Michael S. and Steven D. Eppinger. MIT Sloan School of Management Review, October 2010.

"Improving Product Development Process Design: A Method for Managing Information Flows, Risks, and Iterations."

Unger, Darian and Steven D. Eppinger. Journal of Engineering Design Vol. 22, No. 10 (2010): 689-699.


Eppinger, Steven D. In Handbook of Research on Trends in Product Design and Development, edited by Ricardo Simões, XXIII-XXV. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010.

"Comparing Product Development Processes and Managing Risk."

Unger, Darian W. and Steven D. Eppinger. International Journal of Product Development Vol. 8, No. 4 (2009): 382-402.

"Work Distribution in Global Product Development Organizations."

Anshuman Tripathy and Steven D. Eppinger. In Proceedings of the 10th International DSM Conference, Garching, Germany: November 2008.

"A Network Approach to Define Modularity of Components in Complex Products."

Sosa, Manuel E., Steven D. Eppinger and Craig M. Rowles. Journal of Mechanical Design Vol. 129, No. 11 (2007): 1118-1129.

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