"Are Your Engineers Talking to One Another When They Should?"

Sosa, Manuel E., Steven D. Eppinger and Craig M. Rowles. Harvard Business Review, November 2007.

Product Design and Development.

Ulrich, Karl T. and Steven D. Eppinger. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007.

"DSM Models of Globally Distributed Product Development Structures."

Steven D. Eppinger. In Proceedings of the 8th International DSM Conference, Garching, Germany: October 2006.

"The New Practice of Global Product Development."

Eppinger, Steven D. and Anil R. Chitkara. MIT Sloan Management Review, July 2006.

"A Network Approach to Define Modularity of Product Components."

Manuel E. Sosa, Anupam Agrawal, Steven D. Eppinger and Craig M. Rowles. In Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, New York, NY: September 2005.

"A Simulation-Based Process Model for Managing Complex Design Projects."

Cho, Soo-Haeng and Steven D. Eppinger. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Vol. 52, No. 3 (2005): 316-328.

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