"Organizing the Tasks in Complex Design Projects."

Eppinger, S. with D.E. Whitney, R.P. Smith and D.A. Gebala. In Computer-Aided Cooperative Product Development, 229-252. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1991.

"Bandwidth Performance of a Direct-Drive Manipulator Under Joint Torque Control and Endpoint Force Control."

H.C. Fowler and Steven D. Eppinger. In Proceedings, 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation , New York, NY: April 1991.

"Model-Based Approaches to Managing Concurrent Engineering."

Eppinger, Steven D. Journal of Engineering Design Vol. 2, No. 4 (1991): 283-290.

"Coordinating Product Design Education in Management and Engineering."

Eppinger, Steven D. Spectrum, December 1990.

"An Engineering Model for Predicting Manufacturing Costs of Aerospace Components."

D.C. Allan, Steven D. Eppinger, G.F. Denktsis, and M.J. Jakiela. In Proceedings of 1990 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New York, NY: November 1990.

"Interdisciplinary Product Design Education."

Eppinger, Steven D., Charles H. Fine and Karl T. Ulrich. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Vol. 37, No. 4 (1990): 301-305.

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