"Dispute Processing in Law and Legal Scholarship: From Institutional Critique to the Reconstitution of the Judicial Subject."

Silbey, Susan, and Austin Sarat. Denver University Law Review Vol. 66, No. 3 (1989): 437-498.

"Reconstituting the Sociology of Law."

Silbey, Susan. In The Politics of Field Research: Sociology Beyond Enlightenment, 150-172. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd., 1989.

"Report of the Task Force on Racism."

Silbey, Susan S. In Report of the Task Force on Racism, 1989.

"The Pull of the Policy Audience."

Sarat, Austin, and Susan S. Silbey. Law & Policy Vol. 10, No. 2-3 (1988): 97-166.

"Connecting Collegiate and pre-Collegiate Learning about Law."

Silbey, Susan S. Focus on Legal Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 (1988).

"Book Review of ‘The Civil Justice Process: A Sequential Model of the Mobilization of Law (Studies on Law and Social Control)’."

Silberman,Matthew. Review of The Civil Justice Process: A Sequential Model of the Mobilization of Law (Studies on Law and Social Control), by Silbey, Susan S.. Contemporary Sociology, January 1987.

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