The Common Place of Law: Stories from Everyday Life.

Ewick, Patricia, and Susan S. Silbey. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1998.

"1996 Presidential Address "Let Them Eat Cake": Globalization, Postmodern Colonialism, and the Possibilities of Justice."

Silbey, Susan S. Law & Society Review Vol. 31, No. 2 (1997): 207-235.

"Devant la loi: la construction sociale du juridique."

Silbey, Susan S., and Patricia Ewick. In Socialisation juridique et conscience du droit: Attitudes individuelles, modeles culturels et changement social Droit et societe 2, edited by Chantal Kourilsky-Augeven, 33-56. Paris, France: L.G.D.J., 1997.

Studies in Law Politics and Society, Volume 17.

Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc., 1997.

"Book Review of ‘Law in the Sociological Enterprise: A Reconstruction’."

Lisa J. McIntyre. Review of Law in the Sociological Enterprise: A Reconstruction, by Silbey, Susan S.. Contemporary Sociology, May 1996.

"Post-Modern Colonialism, A Rebuttal."

Silbey, Susan S. Newsletter (1996).

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