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"Pepcid AC(A): Racing to the OTC Market."

Charles King III, Alvin J. Silk, Lisa R. Klein and Ernst R. Berndt.

"Cost-Effectiveness, Quality-Adjusted Life Years, and Supportive Care: Recombinant Human Erythropoietin as Treatment of Cancer- Associated Anemia."

Cremieux, Pierre-Yves, Stan N. Finkelstein, Ernst R. Berndt, Jeffrey Crawford and Mitchell B. Slavin. Pharmacoeconomics Vol. 16, No. 5 (1999): 459-472.

"Loss of Work Productivity Due to Illness and Medical Treatment."

Cockburn, Iain M., Howard L. Bailit, Ernst R. Berndt and Stan N. Finkelstein. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Vol. 41, No. 11 (1999): 948-953.

"Introduction: New Developments in Measuring Medical Care."

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"Price Indexes for the Treatment of Depression."

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