"The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders in the 1990’s."

Greenberg, Paul E., Tamar Sisitsky, Ronald C. Kessler, Stan N. Finkelstein, Ernst R. Berndt, Jonathan R. T. Davidson, James C. Ballenger and Abby J. Fyer. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Vol. 60, No. 7 (1999): 427-435.

"Course and Cost of Treatment for Depression with Fluoxetine, Paroxetine and Sertraline."

Russell, James M., Ernst R. Berndt, Robert M. Miceli and Salvatore Colucci. American Journal of Managed Care Vol. 5, No. 5 (1999): 597-606.

"When Antihistamines go to Work."

Cockburn, Iain M., Howard L. Bailit, Ernst R. Berndt and Stan N. Finkelstein. Business and Health Vol. 17, No. 3 (1999): 49 - 50.

"Prescription Drug Prices for the Elderly."

Berndt, Ernst R., Iain M. Cockburn, Douglas L. Cocks, Arnold Epstein and Zvi Griliches. Monthly Labor Review Vol. 121, No. 9 (1998): 23-34.

"Workplace Performance Effects from Chronic Depression and Its Treatment."

Berndt, Ernst R., Stan N. Finkelstein, Paul E. Greenberg, Robert H. Howland, Alison Keith, A. John Rush, James Russell and Martin B. Keller. Journal of Health Economics Vol. 17, No. 5 (1998): 511-535.

"Is Price Inflation Different for the Elderly? An Empirical Analysis of Prescription Drugs."

Berndt, Ernst R., Iain M. Cockburn, Douglas L. Cocks, Arnold M. Epstein, M.D. and Zvi Griliches. In Frontiers in Health Policy Research, edited by Alan Garber, 33-75. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1998.

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