"Measuring Prices and Quantities of Treatments for Depression."

Richard G. Frank, Susan H. Busch and Ernst R. Berndt. American Economic Review Vol. 88, No. 2 (1998): 106-111.

"Workplace Illness: Calculating Return on Investment from Reducing Workplace Illness."

Greenberg, Paul E., Stan N. Finkelstein, Ernst R. Berndt, Andrew M. Baker and James M. Russell. Drug Benefit Trends (1998): 44-47.

"Comment on Martin Neil Baily and Alan M. Garber, ‘Health Care Productivity’."

Berndt, Ernst R. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics 1997, December 1997.

"The Next Phase of Managed Care: Targeting Investments in Employee Health."

Berndt, Ernst R., Stan N. Finkelstein, and Paul E. Greenberg. On Managed Care Vol. 2, No. 11 (1997): 7-8.

"The Roles of Marketing, Product Quality and Price Competition in the Growth and Composition of the U.S. Anti-Ulcer Drug Industry."

Berndt, Ernst R., Linda T. Bui, David H. Reiley and Glen Urban. In The Economics of New Products, Studies in Income and Wealth, 277-322. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1997.

"Alternative Insurance Arrangements and the Treatment of Depression: What Are Facts?"

Berndt, Ernst R., Richard G. Frank and Thomas G. McGuire. American Journal of Managed Care Vol. 3, No. 2 (1997): 135-143.

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