"Modeling Energy Demand: The Choice Between Input and Output Energy Measures."

Berndt, Ernst R. and G. Campbell Watkins. The Energy Journal Vol. 7, No. 2 (1986): 69-79.

"Review of Research and Productivity: Endogenous Technical Change by Sato, Ryuzo, and Gilbert S. Suzawa."

Berndt, Ernst R. Review of Review of Research and Productivity: Endogenous Technical Change, by Ryuzo Sato and Gilbert S. Suzawa. Journal of Economic Literature, March 1986.

"Book Review: Energy Modeling and Simulation."

Berndt, Ernst R. Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 1985.

"From Technocracy to Net Energy Analysis: Engineers, Economists and Recurring Energy Theories of Value."

Berndt, Ernst R. In Progress in Natural Resource Economics, edited by Anthony D. Scott, 337-367. Oxford, England : Clarendon Press, 1985.

"Energy Demand in the Transportation Sector of Mexico."

Berndt, Ernst R. and German Botero. Journal of Development Economics Vol. 17, No. 3 (1985): 219-238.

"Modeling the Aggregate Demand for Electricity: Simplicity vs. Virtuosity."

Berndt, Ernst R. In Advances in the Economics of Energy and Resources, edited by John Moroney, 141-152. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1984.

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