"Residential Electricity Demand in Mexico: A Model Distinguishing Access from Consumption."

Berndt, Ernst R. and Ricardo Samaniego. Land Economics Vol. 60, No. 3 (1984): 268-277.

"Energy Price Changes and the Induced Revaluation of Durable Capital in U.S. Manufacturing."

Ernst R. Berndt and David O. Wood.

"Concavity and the Specification of Technical Progress in U.S. Manufacturing."

Berndt, Ernst R. and David O. Wood. In Econometrie et crise de l'energie, edited by J. Fericelli and J.-B. Lesourd, Paris, France : Economica, 1983.

"Econometric Models of Energy Demand in the Transportation and Residential Sectors of Mexico."

Berndt, Ernst R., German Botero, Enrique de Alba and Ricardo Samaniego. In Current Economic and Financial Issues of the North American and Caribbean Countries, edited by Edgar Ortiz, 20-27. San Angel, Mexico: North American Economics and Finance Association, 1983.

"The Demand for Heavy Oil Derived from Asphalt Heavy Versus Light Oil: Technical Issues and Economic Considerations."

Berndt, Ernst R. and G. Campbell Watkins. In Heavy Versus Light Oil: Technical Issues and Economic Considerations, edited by Ragaei El Mallakh, 251-267. Boulder, Colorado: International Research Center for Energy and Economic Development, 1983.

"Quality Adjustment, Hedonics, and Modern Empirical Demand Analysis."

Ernst R. Berndt. In Price Level Measurement.: Proceedings from a Conference Sponsored by Statistics Canada, edited by Claude Montemarquette and W. Erwin Diewert . Ottawa, Canada : October 1983.

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