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Dynamic Adjustment Models of Industrial Energy Demand: Empirical Analysis for U.S. Manufacturing, 1947-1974.

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"On Testing Theories of Financial Intermediary Portfolio Selection."

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"Tax Normalization, Regulation and Economic Efficiency."

Berndt, Ernst R., Jonathan R. Kesselman, and G. Campbell Watkins. Journal of Business Administration Vol. 2, No. 1 (1980): 171-183.

"Energy, Capital, and Productivity."

Ernst R. Berndt and Catherine J. Morrison. In International Energy Strategies: Proceedings of the 1979 IAEE/RFF Conference, edited by Joy Dunkerley . Cambridge, MA: June 1980.

"Energy Price Increases and the Productivity Slowdown in United States Manufacturing."

Ernst R. Berndt. In Proceedings of The Decline in Productivity Growth, Boston, MA: June 1980.

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