"Review of Energy and Economic Myths: Institutional and Analytical Economic Essays by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. New York: Pergamon Press, 1976, 380 pp."

Berndt, Ernst R. Review of Review of Energy and Economic Myths: Institutional and Analytical Economic Essays, by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, November 1978.

"How Energy, and Its Cost, Enter the `Productivity Equation'."

Berndt, Ernst R. and Dale W. Jorgenson. Spectrum Vol. 15, No. 10 (1978): 50-52.

"Review of British Columbia's Energy Outlook, 1976-1991."

Berndt, Ernst R. Canadian Public Policy Vol. 4, No. 1 (1978): 128-129.

"Canadian Energy Demand and Economic Growth."

Berndt, Ernst R. In Oil in the Seventies: Essays on Energy Policy, edited by G. Campbell Watkins and Michael Walker, 45-84. Vancouver, Canada : The Fraser Institute, 1977.

Dynamic Models of the Industrial Demand for Energy.

​Berndt, Ernst R., Melvyn A. Fuss and Leonard Waverman. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute, 1977.

"Flexible Functional Forms and Expenditure Distributions: An Application to Canadian Consumer Demand Functions."

Berndt, Ernst R., Masako N. Darrough and W. Erwin Diewert. International Economic Review Vol. 18, No. 3 (1977): 651-676.

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